Join us for Worship.

There is a place for you here. Come just as you are!

Coffee Time

Sundays at 9am

Join us for some virtual socializing! Have your coffee or tea ready!

Worship In-Person or Online

Sundays at 10 am

Join us every Sunday in the Sanctuary at Peace. We are a casual congregation so come as you are! Pastor Chris will also livestream the in-person Worship service via Zoom. Communion will be shared, so if you are joining us via Zoom please have a piece of bread and wine or juice ready.

Full Zoom invitations and tips on using Zoom can be accessed here.

Click on the buttons below to access the Zoom worship and to download a worship folder. Please note: you will find the worship folder in your download file.

Join us for Holy Week and Easter Services

Palm Sunday, April 13th - 10 am

Maundy Thursday, April 17th - 7 pm

Good Friday, April 18th - 7 pm

Easter Sunrise Service

April 20 - 7 am

Peace Lutheran Church Parking Lot

Bring a lawn chair

Brunch follows both the sunrise service and the 10 am service.

Come for the fellowship and the food.

Celebrate the miracle with us.

Easter Sunday

April 20 - 10am

Peace Lutheran uses the Revised Common Lectionary, a three-year cycle of readings. Currently we are in Year B.

Weekly sermons are based on the readings for that Sunday (with a rare exception for a special Sunday).

Be a Worship Servant.

Be a part of worship and serve as a reader, prayer assistant or music worship servant for our online worship service.