Grow with us!
Several book studies and ministries meet regularly in person at Peace and via Zoom. Please see below for some of our current offerings!
Zoom Bible Study: “James - Mercy Triumphs” by Beth Moore
10am on Tuesdays
A Beth Moore study of the book of James began Tuesday, March 22nd, at 10am. All are welcome! To fully participate, you will need a copy of the study book, which may be purchased here or here. For the Zoom link, please click here.
Ministry: Art Ministry Team
Since its formation several years ago, the Art Ministry Team has continued to produce new and inspiring projects to enhance the worship experience, create a welcoming atmosphere, and invite community participation across all age groups. Special church seasons have encouraged both traditional and unique ideas such as the Hanging of the Greens and a children's prayer chandelier during Advent; prayer doves for Pentecost; origami cranes and a candle lighting for All Saints Day; and the Lenten cross representing the passion of Christ followed by the joy and beauty of the Easter flower cross.
The Team also has initiated several outreach programs including an annual juried art show for adults and working in cooperation with Hollymead Elementary to offer an opportunity for young students to display their artwork. Others projects completed by this diverse Team are the Peace Pole on church grounds that was created in recognition of Martin Luther King Day, various Vacation Bible School Projects, and a Peace Prayer Tree.
The Team meets on an as-needed basis. They welcome everyone! They often hear, "I am not an artist." Thankfully, that is not a requirement! If you want to work with other creatives, this is a dedicated, hard-working team who enjoy throwing around ideas and coming up with new inspirations. This team doesn't just try to think outside the box; they remind themselves that there is no box. If you would like to learn more about joining this ministry, please email Angela Yarbrough.
Ministry: Card Ministry
If you like to work with rubber stamps, decorative papers, die cuts, and card stock, then consider joining our Card Ministry! The Card Ministry creates beautiful, handmade greeting cards for members’ birthdays and anniversaries, those dealing with illness or grief, or just to let others know we are thinking of them and God is, too. There are no regularly scheduled meetings, and you can even work in your own home at your own pace!
To learn more about joining this ministry, please email Diane Strait.
Ministry: Hungry Hearts No More
Hungry Hearts No More provides food for approximately 20 local families in need. You may support this ministry by donating your time and/or resources. To learn more, please click here!
Ministry: International Rescue Committee
Peace partnered with IRC (International Rescue Committee) to assist with local resettlement of Afghan families. We started with two efforts:
First, we are providing a room at Peace for IRC to store donations and supplies for incoming families.
Second, we are assembling a small team of volunteers to help Peace mentor one family. The team would be in direct contact with the family and help with their individual needs until they are independent. IRC provides training and resources, so we would not be doing this on our own.
If you are interested in joining this effort, please email Sue Mueller.
Ministry: Peace Justice Ministry
The Peace Justice Ministry is closely aligned with one of our partner ministries, IMPACT, and is currently focused on affordable housing. We participate in the listening and advocacy efforts year-round, and host an annual Peace Tailgate prior to Nehemiah Action.
IMPACT is a direct action organization. They focus on addressing the root causes and the systemic reasons that people to need charity. They empower local leaders to identify community problems, develop solutions, and negotiate publicly with the decision-makers who can implement these solutions.
The Virginia Synod publishes a bi-weekly online newsletter, DO JUSTICE, lifting up God’s call and command that we, God’s people, do justice. You will find helpful info about justice ministries in congregations, around Virginia, and through the ELCA. To read it online click here. To subscribe or send in stories of justice contact The Rev. Kelly Bayer Derrick, Assistant to the Bishop at bayerderrick@vasynod.org.
Ministry: Prayer Bead Ministry
12:30pm on Fridays
More details coming soon!
Ministry: Prayer Shawl Knitters
11am on Fridays
Do you enjoy knitting? Then consider joining our Prayer Shawl Knitters Ministry! The Prayer Shawl Knitters create beautiful blankets, shawls, and teddy bears for individuals going through various life transitions, such as illness, loss of a loved one, and relocation. Each uniquely knitted item is lovingly prayed over by the Knitters before it is given to its intended recipient. These treasured items provide comfort for years to come!
You may attend in person in the Blue Room at Peace or via Zoom. For the Zoom link, please click here! To learn more about joining this ministry, or to request a knitted item, please email Rita Stoll.
Other Resources
Our Daily Bread Ministries
Our Daily Bread is available online. Daily written devotions, short video devotions, reading plans and longer articles are all available. You can also sign up for daily emails or browse and explore the resources.
Living Lutheran
“Living Lutheran is your source for news, reflections and stories from the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) and its local and global companions. We cover religious news and social issues, congregational life, global and domestic mission, family matters, spiritual practices and resources, and more.” —excerpt from website
FAITH5 (Faith Acts In The Home) is a simple, easy-to-implement faith practice, perfect for incorporating into your bedtime routine for five to fifteen minutes a night. When done over time, the FAITH5™ carries the power to enrich communication, deepen understanding, aid sleep, and promote mental, physical and spiritual health.