Hungry Hearts No More
Volunteer Opportunities
As we slowly emerge from our COVID cocoons, we would like to increase our volunteer base with Hungry Hearts No More in a slow and safe manner. We are still serving 20 families in our local community and could use your help! We have multiple ways get involved, so take a gander and see which option fits your gifts, strengths, and schedule best:
Packers: This is done on a weekly basis. It involves receiving food donations, shelving them, and packing up the family food boxes for distribution.
Panera Donation Receivers: This is every other Monday at 8 pm. It involves being present to receive the Panera donations and then packing them up for distribution.
Shoppers: We have been blessed with monetary donations which allow us to fill in the gaps in food donations via grocery shopping. This could be done whenever it works in your schedule within a two week period.
Distributors: This involves being present on your scheduled Tuesday at 9:30 am. You will greet the families once they arrive and help to get their groceries to their vehicles.
All the above require masks to be worn and social distancing to be observed.
If you have any questions, please email Pam Tomko. To review upcoming available volunteer opportunities, please click the button below.
Filling Hungry Bellies All Year Long!
Actively serving more families during the pandemic
VIRTUAL Hungry Hearts No More FOOD DRIVE! Helping couldn't be an easier.
Put the pre-selected items in your cart.
Check out and select the HHNM address in your list.
Food will be delivered directly to HHNM.
Feel free to share this on your facebook page (you can share directly from our facebook page), by email or any way you can! Special thanks to our neighborhood partners, Allison Argawal for setting this up and Lisa Toccafondi Shutt for accepting the deliveries and getting them to Peace! This is truly a church/neighbors partnership.
Imagine how excited the PLC staff have been this week, finding and unboxing loads of HHNM donations! You can't see our smiles under our masks, but trust us, we were EXCITED! Thank you, thank you, thank you. We are blessed to have such generous and supportive neighbors and friends.
Peace Lutheran Church supports Hollymead area children in the “Hungry Hearts No More” backpack program, providing food for those children in need. We hope to keep their tummies full and remind them that they are important and worthy. Due tp COVID-19 and the closure of the schools, our recipients now receive more substantial bags designed to feed a family for two weeks rather than a child for the weekend. We serve approximately 20 families.
Non-perishables are welcome, particularly shelf-stable milk and proteins and fresh fruit!
HOW YOU CAN HELP: Click to learn how you can CONTRIBUTE TIME
We no longer require individual-sized items. We accept donations in the bins by the door on the right-side wing of the building. Volunteers are here each Thursday evening to collect donations. Always needed items: large shelf stable milk, cereal, oatmeal, bags of rice, bags of dry beans, peanut butter and jelly, large meal size soups, large boxes of mac 'n cheese, canned proteins (such as ham, tuna, chicken, turkey, salmon, beef), frozen proteins (such as meatballs or chicken), fresh fruit, fresh veggies,(please leave perishable items Thursdays between 4 and 5 or contact the office to drop them off), healthy snacks (granola bars, nuts, dried fruit, pretzels, crackers). You can also help with shopping, financial donations (choose "Hungry Hearts" from the online dropdown menu or mark your check payable to PLC for "Hungry Hearts"), and tracking inventory. If you are interested in learning more about this program, know someone that could benefit from it and/or want to take a more active role, please contact Pam Tomko.

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For updates on current needs and how we are serving our neighbors.