There's a Place for You Each and Every Sunday!

Photo courtesy of Angela Yarbrough

Over the past several months, you may have noticed that many members have volunteered to help with Worship services in various ways, including Readers, Prayer Assistants, Ushers, Tech Assistants who run the audio/visual equipment, and Altar Guild members who prepare the space for Worship. We are thankful for all who help in our Worship services, but more volunteers are still needed. We encourage all members to help with our Worship services even if you have never done so before. Training and guidelines are provided so that everyone knows what needs to be done. With the Zoom streaming being projected in the sanctuary during Worship, the participants in Zoom now can volunteer to be Readers and Prayer Assistants.

If you have any questions about what is involved in any of these roles, please talk to Pastor Chris or to one of our lead members for the following teams: Diane Strait or Claudia Stites for Altar Guild, Larry Craig for Ushers, or Beth Williams for Tech Assistants.

Please give prayerful consideration to using your gifts to help with our Worship services. You can volunteer for any date that works for your schedule. The link to the sign up sheet is available at the top of the E-zine each week and can be accessed by clicking HERE. Thank you for your support and involvement with the ministry of Peace Lutheran Church!

Member Engagement Team


HHNM Fundraiser: Hope Cards


Christmas Poinsettias