Justice Ministry Update: IMPACT’s Annual Assembly

On Tuesday, October 26th, IMPACT held the Annual Assembly for 2021. This gathering of members from 27 congregations concluded the Listening Process that began in late summer. From the concerns and stories shared in 47 house meetings within the IMPACT congregations, members decided to focus on transportation and the environment. The next phase for IMPACT is research to determine a meaningful, doable request for actions to be taken by local officials. At Peace, the Listening Process was part of our six-week study of Care for Creation. We began that study with a commitment to humility and honesty based on our role in God’s Creation. We learned about the interconnections of the environment to people everywhere in all aspects of their lives. These lessons will guide us as we research the issue of Transportation. If you would like to participate in the research process, please contact Bob McAdams for more information. Our study has ended, but our need to address environmental degradation in our congregation as well as in our community continues. It is a responsibility we have to God and to all the living beings sharing our Common Home now and in the future.


All Saints Day Remembrance


Jesus Is the Reason for the Season